Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa

I just recently discovered that the email contact form on this web site was not properly forwarding emails to me. I feel awful about this. I’ve always taken great pride in personally answering every letter or email written to me – going back to the days of dot-matrix printers and postage stamps – and, literally, hundreds of people wrote to me and never heard back.

To clarify: if you responded to a post with a comment, I did get an automated message for those and did respond immediately. Only queries using the contact form page on this site did not forward emails to me.

Pretty much all that I’ve been doing for the last three days is writing emails (occasionally taking a break to walk the dog and feed the other animals here). I apologize for having to send out some form letters but the important thing is that you now all have my personal email address. In fact, if you go to the ‘Contact’ page on this site you’ll find my personal email address. Is this a good idea? No. I definitely do not encourage people to post their email addresses on line because you will get spammed. But, I guess, this will be my penance. Mea culpa, me maxima culpa!

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