Map Editor Released for Beta-Testing!

We are very pleased to report that the General Staff Black Powder Map Editor has been released into beta-test. This program allows the user to easily create maps for use as a battlefield in the General Staff Wargaming System as shown in this demo:

Important Note: If you were an early backer of the General Staff Wargaming System via Kickstarter or Indiegogo, you should have received an email update informing you of this, the beta test download page and password. If you did not, please contact me directly. Also, a few people became beta testers after the Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns. You should have received an email from me with the URL for the download page and password. If you did not, please contact me directly.

7 thoughts on “Map Editor Released for Beta-Testing!

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    1. EzraSidran Post author

      There are three scenarios that come with the General Staff Wargaming System:

    2. Historic Order of Battle for the 7th Cavalry
    3. Historic Order of Battle for the 7th Cavalry + four companies of the 2nd Cavalry
    4. Historic Order of battle for the 7th Cavalry + 4 companies of the 2nd Cavalry + 3 Gatling Guns
  2. Eduardo

    Very beautiful and practical Map Editor.
    The video talks about getting elevations from google maps but doesn’t go into it in
    detail: are you planning a second video regarding this subject ?
    will you introduce a ‘re-do’ for drawing mistakes for all layers
    and introduce other ground type like vineyards ect
    Very Well Done !

    1. EzraSidran Post author

      Thank you very much! I know that Andy has used Google elevation for the battle of Waterloo but I don’t think he made a video. I will put that on my ‘to do’ list. Again, thanks for the feedback!

    2. EzraSidran Post author

      I forwarded your questions / comments on to Andy and he replied:

      Instead of “redo” we have delete in the edit terrains tab.
      Select one in the left list, hit delete and it’s gone.

      You can also undo on part of the shapers – the ridges.

      There’s not really much to google maps.
      I thought I covered the steps in the changelog but maybe not everyone reads that.
      Or the wiki.
      Maybe you should review the stuff in there and make sure it’s clear.

      You need to register with google.
      This involves a credit card BUT you get $200 free credit a month so it’ll be effectively free unless you’re doing a lot of maps.
      It’s more about ensuring their data isn’t abused than charging “regular” users.
      Obviously, this is all Google and completely beyond our control.

      You create a txt file with that key in it called
      That goes in %localappdata%/GeneralStaff

      You can then use the google service.

      That relies on two points which will be the top left and right of your map.
      Some experimentation is likely necessary to get the hang of this.
      And of course they can be angled but you will want the left one to be west or south of the right or it’ll be weird.

      You need latitude and longitude for the two “top corner” points.
      They can come from anywhere but the simplest approach is to use google maps.
      The precise details change because google keep on changing maps.

      Find your battle site.
      Decide where the top left corner of your map should be.
      Right click on the map
      Choose “what’s here” from the context menu.

      You get a little marker.
      Click that.
      A pop up appears which has latitude and longitude and a link in it.
      Click the link and you get a panel left screen which includes latitude and longitude you can copy paste.
      They’re up the top in this screen shot.

      You get a little marker.
      Click that.
      A pop up appears which has latitude and longitude and a link in it.
      Click the link and you get a panel left screen which includes latitude and longitude you can copy paste.
      They’re up the top in this screen shot.

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